

We are a group of caregivers pledging to help address the barriers in the lives of people that seek to have an ordinary life and to do things that most take for granted.

We welcome you into everest independent care, a space which is truly dedicated to help disabled people use their abilities to their full potential. We are group of people actively working to empower people to achieve greater independence and vitality. We provide you a truly inclusive community that supports people with disability to be independent and live in saftey. 

We believe good supporting comes from offering a kind of acquaintance where one knows what comforts you and provides a sense of belongingness along with safety. Our support workers are experienced in working in a range of environments and understand that every individual has unique needs, thereby, we pledge to help address the barriers in the lives of people that seek to have an ordinary life and to do things that most take for granted. 

Contact Us

At EIC our support staffs are committed to facilite an environment of consistent, open, and honest communication that encourages interactive and respectful dialogue. Our main goal is to provide a secure, developing atmosphere for all of our participants and their families, one that encourages empathy, sincere relationships, optimism, and courage.

As a care receiver you have authority over your supports and we empower you to make decisions as per your life goals. We assess the difficulties that the participants face each and every day with their physical impairments and personalise our support to cater to their needs in the best possible way.


As a care receiver you have authority over your supports and we empower you to make decisions as per your life goals. We assess the difficulties that the participants face each and every day with their physical impairments and personalise our support to cater to their needs in the best possible way.


As our emphasis is on dignified independent living with the help of improved assistance, we embrace diversity and welcome our personnel who come from diverse backgrounds to ensure that participants can easily access their support services without experiencing any language barriers.

Mission, Vision & Goal

Our Mision

Our mission is to cultivate an accessible and inclusive community by providing them the essential support system to advance the dignity, equality and self-determination of people with disabilities.

Our Vision

We envision an inclusive space where we celebrate your disabled identity everyday and expand your possibilities to a happy and connected life.

Our Goal

Our goal is to become Australia's independent care institution relentlessly working to improve the quality and level of care our clients receive.`

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